
Nature thrives because the seasons change.

So Do you!

New phases of life and work emerge to help build our capacity to grow and learn in relationship to new life and work events.  What if you see change as a constant, rather than a constraint?

when you can be U



A New Reality

Discover the tools to:

  • Listen in to your inklings and what matters
  • Envision your future & Imagine Yourself there
  • Build the Confidence to Choose a Path and BEgin
  • Take action to LIVE into a future you CAN Imagine for Yourself

Step into your courage. Create YOUR path.

Invest in yourself

Martina works as your co-pilot coaching you through the self-awareness, commitment, ambition, and discipline to start a change, design, create, and put your words into action.

What if you could adapt and flex like a tree on the prairie, beside the ocean, or on a mountainside on a windy day? What would it be like to learn new ways of being; to trust what your inklings are speaking and respond with an inner sense of direction? With ease rather than resistance?

 Martina’s coaching process helps you build a personal growth mindset to start and resource the change you know you want to make.  

Change is a Learning Journey

Credit: Martina’s adaptation of a Newfield Network Learning model

Life is in Flow

You are adapting and adjusting well to the daily changes in your life’s atmosphere.

A New Start

to walk alongside fear and step into your courage to iterate forward. To live your design. Trust in the process more and more from the inside out. Integrate your way to BEing U more and more each day.

Act on Your New Start

by doing the work! Prepare, practice, and build presence to start and implement what you have envisioned and imagined. Experiment with choices. Gather Feedback. Repeat.
Restore Confidence in your skills and abilities. Trust youself.


with ideas to open up your curiosity to new viewpoints and possibilities! Begin to resource yourself to “see” from a new perspective and clarifies a path or two. Anxiousness starts to turn into anticipation. You can feel confidence grow as you walk alongside uncertainty.


an inkling or an Oh $#%&! moment! You realize you are good and lost. Anxiousness is buzzing through your bones. You are missing a few resources!

Build Awareness-Learn

and explore what’s missing, what’s needed, what matters to you now.  What resources do you have access to? Is this inkling or Oh $#%&! moment shining a light on a pattern that you recognize?

What it’s Like to Work With Me

What change deserves the attention of a coach?

(rather than your couch)



What career change can you imagine for yourself?

Self-led Employment

I want to create my own impact

Better Fit / Broader Influence

I want to create more impact in my career

A Whole New Path

I want my impact to contribute to meaningful change

Self-led Employment

So you wanna be an entrepreneur, have a side gig, or a small business? Being in the self-led employment arena is a choice for a lifestyle v. career and employment. It’s a space of BEing U in more ways that you realize. It is a where deep growth and challenge will have you wondering why and loving it all at the same time.

You’ve been toying with the idea of being your own boss for a while. Your way of being no longer fits the corporate workplace. You imagine how the freedom and meaningfulness of your work life would soar if you could create and do it on your own.

But you don’t know where to begin or what it would take. The fear of failure is palpable, but it’s a challenge that intrigues you.

Entrepreneurship is about the relationship you have with yourself, your work, and the world, and let’s be honest, earning an income that makes you feel valued. You will find what you seek if you do the self-work of discovering what is at your core and blazing a path to reach the future you envision for your life.

Owning your own business requires both personal and business understanding. We’ll cover both to ensure you are set up for success.

Better Fit/ Broader Influence

Finding yourself “not” fitting in anymore or frustrated with an inability to create the impact you imagine for your work can be frustrating, even depressing. It creeps in slowly and before you know it, you find yourself disengaging.  But why, you used to love your work, what’s changed?

It’s often a confusing place where the starting place is fuzzy!  If you are in that fuzzy zone, stuck, and looking to re-energize your work in your current workplace, influence in a new way, or find more nutritious surroundings to grow in, Martina’s coaching helps you re-assess and take stock of where you are now. You’ll begin to see how “what got you to your current place, will NOT get you to your imagined place”. She’ll work together with you to pull the pieces together so you can design a path and create the environment you need to meet your goals.

A Whole New Path

Sometimes it feels like a BIG change is the answer. Like you set out on a journey and it was alright but it got sidetracked by others expectations, market forces, life changes along the way. Now you are ready to sink into what you imagine for yourself. Big changes can feel a bit overwhelming. Martina can help you create an anchor for your vision and set the stepping stones in place to lead you to where YOU want to go. Along the way, mindset shifts and confidence boosters will no likely be needed to build that new pathway for doing and being U.


What do you imagine for yourself?

Corporate to Self-Employed Confidence

I want to lead my own work with confidence

Career/Life Confidence & Courage

I want to feel confident and courageous through change

Restored Confidence Post-Layoff

I want to feel confident and clear about what’s next

Big Shifts Challenge our Inner Resources

A successful shift from expected and unexpected change including Corporate life to a Self-Employed life, a move to a new industry, leadership level or location, or gaining confidence after a layoff,  change requires a new way of “being” along with the “doing. Mindset shifts take time. Depending on the stage of your life or career, it may take more time to adjust to self-care, self-compassion, and creating your own structure than you expected or imagined.

Think of your most recent big habit change (eating, exercise, finance, work/life balance – significant areas of life). What practices did you need to change? How much time was needed for those practices to become “transparent”? Did you do it alone or did you have a great circle of support? How did your self-talk change?  What was the most significant reframe that helped moved you make and stick with that change?

Coaching challenges you when you are lost in old stories that won’t get you to where you want to go and helps you see from a new frame of reference.

Your relationship to Structure and flow and how you motivate yourself
Your capacity to make requests for help
Your ability to make offers effectively
Your ability to be found/be seen in what you can offer
Your values and beliefs
Your capacity and commitment to the energy and time needed
Your motivation to put your dreams first – self compassion
Your social, emotional, and physical capabilities
Your sense of humour and grit when tough times visit

 Restore Confidence post-layoff

You may be in shock, sad, angry, and relieved all at the same time. Layoffs, whether expected or not, leave our identities bruised and, even feeling shattered. Returning to your former confident self takes time, reflection, support, and structure. You can return the ground under your feet, Martina’s coaching will help you refresh and reconnect with your greatest stories and communicate an offer that lands with employers seeking your skills or clients looking for your help.

“The path to a meaningful life and career starts with realizing, and then honouring, who you are at your core. Coaching helps you discover who you are meant to be and what you are meant to do in a safe, creative, compassionate space where you can BE U.
Martina Payette
BEing U Coaching


What do you imagine for yourself?

A Meaningful Retirement

I want to create a meaningful retired life

Better Life Balance

Change has disrupted my balance.
I want to restore the balance in my life

When you find yourself “complaining” about life, wondering what happened while you’ve been busy “doing” stuff, when the doing is no longer matching what you imagined, or when you made an exciting new change and it’s falling flat, taking more grit than you ever imagined. It’s time for a “refresh” moment.  Time to review and reset expectations.

Our imagined career/life dreams hit reality moments as we move through stages of life, responsibilities, relationships, and culture shifts. Changes are disruptive. Awareness is lost in the busyness of life, particularly when everyone else’s needs come first. Setting aside monthly time to assess and re-align your doing to how you want to be is critical to aligning your work/life to what’s meaningful and matters to you.

It’s akin to a spa treatment. We gift it to our bodies, why not our whole being? Coaching helps you to rest, take a breath- literally, restore and realign your expectations, dreams and reality. Then create the steps to integrate it all and iterate your way forward to they merge into what you intended.

You know the time is right!

Martina helps you Turn your Inklings into Tangible Possibilities.